1/100 Tieren (魂)

Once again, my First COMPLETED model for 2009.
Took me quite a hassle to finish this kit.
Well it is mainly due to the lack of time for work and motivation for this competition.
I must admit, this isn't my best.
I was basically rushing through this whole kit.
Life during the rushing days were tiring and makes me wanna sleep everyday.


Was it my inability of handling my own timetable?
Well, got to learn from this lesson.
I won't make history repeat in the future.

  • Completed Weathering: Chipping, Dirt, Streaking, Damages.
  • Decal-ing
  • Dynamic posing
  • Painting: Highlights and Shadows.
  • Realistic Diorama (not realistic enough i suppose)
This kit had been fun for me. Since it was a ground unit, my first idea was to make it old and dirty. Maybe, a bit of damage and lots of chipping would enhance the idea.

I didn't give this tieren a gun... It had been replaced by a POLEARM. The POLEARM was scratch built and wasn't detailed enough.

I came out with this posing right after i watched kung fu shows. It was random, yes, but i like it.

Alright, Enjoy!